Our church family transcript

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Our church family: transcript


I started coming here to this church in Oxford when I was 18 as a student. Um, and just ’cause my boyfriend came here and, um, learned an awful lot. I didn’t know anything about Christianity really, or about the Bible and learned an awful lot in a quite short period of time.


I’m a mother of two little boys, um, and I’m also a teacher at a local secondary school.

We meet every Sunday and I’ve been coming here for about five years.


I’ve been coming to this church for about, I think it’s about four years now. I’m originally from Birmingham and, but I live in Milton Keynes and it’s an hour’s drive.

One of the things I like [and maybe it will answer your question] is the fact that everybody is really open and honest.


We’ve got so many people here from all, uh, from all ages, but also all walks of life that come together to take a kind of a moment away from their busy lives to, to come together to be part of something big. Um, and that’s kind of fantastic for raising a family as well.

Um, we’ve got Jonah, who’s, who’s three, uh, and little Flynn who’s almost two. They do, they love it, they get a real buzz from it


I’m about to go into my second year at Oxford Brooks University studying nursing.

I’ve been coming here with my family since I was born, so 19 years.


I like the fact that we’re a caring church, that we care for those around us, that we support local charities, uh, we give to food banks and we think about those across the wider world in difficulties.

Saeed and Neda

My wife and I are from Iran and we are seeking asylum in England, and we have started a new life in the name of Jesus.


I was baptised mm-hmm when I was 17. Mm-hmm. I’m now 82. So you can work out the maths for yourself. I’ve been coming on and off during that period of time, except for two years abroad when we were away.


So now been a member of the church for over 30 years and my children also come along to the church and came to Sunday school here.

So I came to Oxford to study medicine and I’m a GP in the middle of Oxford.


Um, when I’m not here, I am a mum mostly. Um, so I have a two-year-old and then two five month old twins. And so just lots of snacks and cleaning up, um, lots of going to the park, meeting friends, um, some from here actually.

Dionne and Adrian

Hello. So my name is Dionne and this is Adrian. Hi. And, um, we are both from Milton Keynes and we love visiting Oxford because we love the interaction, there’s a lovely musical vibe, and we like the passion of the talks.


Um, but there are lots and lots of opportunities for, for discussion, um, whether it’s in our Bible classes or in other groups that, you know, come together to sort of self-organize and, and talk about, you know, whatever’s on people’s minds.

Hil and Phil

It’s good because Oxford’s such a lively, lively minds I suppose. You can have discussions and feedback and grow.


So one of the things that I like in terms of what we learn is that we’re open to learning from all parts of the Bible. It’s an interesting and difficult text and we’re, we’re up for exploring it, it with open hearts and minds.


So Christadelphian means, uh, brothers in Christ. So basically we are all here together to, uh, praise God and learn about Jesus and the message, um, and just all doing it together.
